Wednesday, February 19.2025
  1. Policy Note

This Privacy Policy is compliant with the provisions of Artt. 13 and 14 of “Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of European Parliament and Council, April 27 2016, concerning individuals’ protection regarding personal data processing, and the free movement of such data in order to offer a clear vision of users’ personal data management and their usage of this website.

This note is valid only for the website, and not for other websites that the user could visit through external links, for which Inapp is not responsible at all.

  1. Controller of data treatment

The controller of data treatment is INAPP - Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche, Corso d’Italia 33, IT-00198 Rome, Peo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Pec This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone number +39 06 854471.

  1. Legal basis of the processing

The personal information are processed in order to perform public interest duties, assigned to INAPP according to D.Lgs. n.150/2015 and s.m.i., accepted by the Statutes of the Institution, in force since 2 May 2018.

  1. Type of data processed and scope

Navigation data

This website’s informatics systems and software procedures acquire some personal data during their regular functioning; the transmission of these data is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

In this data category are included: IP addresses and domain names of user’s computer (when connected to the website), URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of required resources, time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server (success, error etc.) and other parameters about users’ operating system and computer environment.

These data are used only to gather anonymous statistical data regarding the website’s usage, to monitor its correct functioning; all the gathered data are deleted right after the processing phase.

Information voluntarily provided by the user

The optional, explicit or voluntary transmission of emails to addresses set out in this website (identified with  or ), together with the form filling and sending, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to reply to requests, in addition to other personal data included in the communication.

The personal data acquired through this website will be subject to processing based on principles of fairness, legality, transparency, and protection of your privacy, in compliance with Regulation (UE) 2016/679. Specific information will be progressively displayed on the web pages where the explicit users’ consent is required for the personal data gathering.