Saturday, April 20.2024
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies  is one of the Ministries of the government of the Republic of Italy. It is responsible for the policies for labour, employment, and labour protection, the appropriateness of the social security system and social policy, with particular reference to the prevention and reduction of the conditions of need and distress of the people.
INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis) is an Italian research institute with a specific focus on vocational education and training, labour market and social policies and with a strong commitment to promoting employment, social inclusion, skills and human capital development as well  as fostering growth and innovation.
ANPAL (National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies) represents the national main key actor for ALMPs, aiming at reducing unemployment rates and at improving skills and employability. The main task of ANPAL are to coordinate all the actors delivering employment services at local level  and to support the development of skills and qualifications for job searching and/or for continuation in further learning pathways.